Spring cleaning....

In Staniel Cay I was able to put my feet in the sand and in the warm, clear sea. I came home feeling rested, relaxed and invigorated. Staniel Cay is a remote, quiet, gorgeous and special place.
I needed to shed the layers of a long, cold and busy winter. I needed to see color, feel warmth, and be still. I simply needed clarity. All of this was accomplished being at "Runaway" on Staniel Cay.
Being in the sea taught me how to breathe deeply again. Snorkeling, hearing my every breath, long breaths in and out, seeing life under the sea in all of it's color, it's extremely meditative.
Within a day of my return to brisk Colorado I began shedding layers in a different way. Closets! My house has several closets, a real benefit when you want extra space to put things. However my closets have been full with the doors closed for years, so I began project "clearing the closets". And now I feel more calm and I feel more clarity. Taking things out of hiding. Removing the bags that were hidden behind things. Knowing my clutter. And now seeing more clearly what it is that I really have. It's as if I'm standing taller. There will be no more putting stuff away to deal with it later. Instead I'm putting my stuff front and center, where I can see it and anyone who enters my home can see it, it's sharing who I am. It's a piece of my story and sharing my story is powerful.
You may be wondering, is the "clearing the closets" project a metaphor for something larger? Well I literally did empty my closets, and in the process of doing so I realized I was also digging deeper into who I am, to the essence of my story. I think I will call it "distilling stacey". There's much more to come...this is just a teaser so to speak.
Shedding layers, stripping down to the essence of who we are and then sharing our story. My experience with this recently has been powerful beyond words and I encourage everyone to give it a whirl. Get into those closets, dig deep and share your stuff!
Stay tuned....